Troop 26

News, Announcements, and other tidbits regarding Santa Barbara based Troop 26

Month: October, 2012

Web Game


The online web game is now officially up and running! Each week the 1st three people to tell me the answer get a prize!

You can find each weeks game in its description.




Calendar Fix


The online calendar on the troop website is now fully functional, sorry if its a bit abstract, it will be updated as soon as I have detailed information.

New Webmaster

Hello everybody,this is James, the new webmaster for Troop 26! I’ll be managing both the troop site and the blog, so if you have any thing you would like posted, questions, comments, concerns, or maybe a day ending in “y”, you can contact me at, and i’ll be happy to help!

New Calendar Now Availible

Welcome the new year of adventureThe new Calendar for the 2012-2013 scouting year has been published and is now available for download. The online calendar has yet to be updated, but this will be fixed shortly.